Friday, December 20, 2013

Maxim of Transtheism

Work in progress:

I cannot say with certainty that I am the originator of this group of maxims as a practical guideline for acceptable belief but I am certain that I have not read them anywhere on the Internet or in a book, as a group.  However, I would hasten to add that I have perceived them through my studies of various Transtheistic religions and miscellaneous philosophies of religion or otherwise.  This seems to express to me the prevailing attitude of those who practice Transtheism.  I will at this point claim to be the person who has first stated these maxims as a group and claim them as my own maxims for Transtheism. The maxims of my Transtheism are as follows.
     1.  A belief is any accepted mode of thought whatsoever that influences the mind and its actions.
                2.  Allow any belief whatsoever as long as it is believable with and without belief in deities existence.  
                3.  Allow any belief whatsoever as long as it works weather there is belief in deities existence or otherwise.  

The first maxim identifies what a belief is, so that it can be distinguished it from thoughts and ideas which may be potential beliefs.  I do want to acknowledge that C.S.  Peirce the founder of pragmatism is the source for this maxim and it is very close to his definition of belief.

The second maxim is a test before any idea or thought that may be considered for acceptance, it must pass this test.  The test is, is this belief compatible with a belief in deities existence and is this belief compatible with non-belief in deities existence?  If it passes this test than it needs to pass the other test but if it fails either test, it must be denied.  

The third maxim is a test before any idea or thought may be considered for acceptance, it must pass this test. The test is, if you believed deity existed would you act according to this belief even if deities do not exist or if you believed deity did not exist would you act according to this belief even if deities do exist? If it passes this test than it needs to pass the other test but if it fails either test, it must be denied.  

After an idea or thought has passed these tests it must then face whatever further tests an individual may have for it before acceptance.

Let’s look at some beliefs in the light of the second maxim.  “Allow any belief whatsoever as long as it is believable with and without belief in deities existence.”  

Transtheism is a belief in the possibilities of gods.  This belief is compatible with a belief in deities existence and is compatible with non-belief in deities existence, it passes the tests because possibilities does not directly contradict the idea of deities existence or otherwise.  

Transtheism is a belief in a third reality other than existence or non-existence for gods. This belief is compatible with a belief in deities existence and is compatible with non-belief in deities existence, it passes the tests because a third reality other than existence or non-existence does not directly contradict the idea of deities possible otherwise existence or not.  

Theism is a belief in the existence of at least one God.  This belief is compatible with a belief in deities existence but it is not compatible with non-belief in deities existence, so it fails.

Atheism is no belief in the existence of gods.  This belief is not compatible with a belief in deities existence but it is compatible with non-belief in deities existence, so it fails.

Gnosticism is a belief that knowledge of god existence is attainable.  This belief is compatible with a belief in deities existence but it is not compatible with non-belief in deities existence, so it fails.

Agnosticism is a belief that knowledge of god existence is unattainable.  This belief is not compatible with a belief in deities existence but it is compatible with non-belief in deities existence, so it fails. 

A Prophet that is defined as one who is believed to speak for God.  This belief is compatible with a belief in deities existence but is not compatible with non-belief in deities existence, so it fails

A Prophet that is defined as one who is believed to be a spiritual authority.  This belief is compatible with a belief in deities existence and it is compatible with non-belief in deities existence, so it passes.

The Christian Bible if believed literally to be God’s words to us.  This belief is compatible with a belief in deities existence but it is not compatible with non-belief in deities existence, so it fails.

The Christian Bible if believed to be a spiritually authoritative book.  This belief is compatible with belief in deities existence and it is compatible with non-belief in deities existence, so it passes.

I believe I am a god. This belief is compatible with a belief in deities existence but it is not compatible with non-belief in deities existence, so it fails.

I’m a god.  Sense this is a statement of possible fact and not belief it is not subject to these tests.

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