work in progress.
Atheism can only be true if all deities do not exist.
Atheism has been wrong in
estimating deity as a quantity only. Atheism generally claims that
deities are non-existent or having zero reality. This claim
for the most part has been aimed at the so call pure deities in other word a
being that is 100% deity. Not so much for beings that are less than 100%
deity, suppose a being is ¾, ½, ¼, or one part per 1,000,000 and so on deified
or a being is engaged in activities or a process that are or maybe deifying
it’s in some way.
Atheism's claim is then wrong
that deities are non-existent or having zero reality, if the merest activity or
process in the slightest way makes a being deified either physically, mentally
or otherwise. Deity under these considerations is not limited to
quantities alone but to qualities also that a human being can have that is not
a 100% deity but act with the qualities that make it somewhat a deified
human being. Someone that has free will by circumstances and or
their own actions demonstrates the way a person by circumstances and or their own
actions are deified in quality.
A deified being however
slight the deification is in quantity or quality represents the reality of
deity as an actuality in our world. In this sense the intellectual,
moral, social, physical or otherwise deification of the human beings represents
the reality of deity but not directly the existence of any particular 100%
deity. However atheism is the rejection of deities existence in the past, present and possible future, is theism focus on 100% deity the source of atheism's error? No atheism is responsible for its own error, the assumption of the permanent zero-existence of any forms of deity.
Theism can only be true if its deity(s) exist.
Theism's have been wrong in estimating some of the
characteristics and mode of deity. Theism’s in general has viewed deities as
super permanent realities to the point of absurdity or having a top down view
of the reality deities. What is a being that is 100% deity? According
too much theism it is a being that is absolutely its own reality or a
permanent self-sufficient being. So much so that
deities exist only at the highest levels of reality necessarily, which creates
a disconnection from the lower levels of reality.
As a permanent self-sufficient reality, primarily deity would be an extremely permanent 100% being. Theism has gone wrong in making deities have permanent characteristics
thereby removing deity’s fundamental freedom and its free modality; deities are
then permanent static beings. In this way theism “kills” its own deity and worships
a permanent theological corpus deity as a real thing. Theism error is the assumption of the permanent 100% deified being.
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